
Airbnb App for Vision OS

I think real state, booking and traveling will be notoriously affected by XR, and as UX/UI Designers we can play a crucial role to help in this transition and make the most out of this technology

Used Tools: Xcode, Reality Composer Pro, Vision OS Simulator, SwiftUI, Figma

1st Stage: Discover

Summary: Spatial Design Principles, Accesability, Vision OS Guidelines

Going from 2D to Spatial Design, there are more than a few considerations to take into account. I think Vision OS did a lot of the hard work for us, already applying constraints and best practices for this enviroment, but nevertheless, using these principles and testing ideas requires a new workflow and mindset.

Using Figma, Reality Composer Pro and Vision OS Simulator in Xcode beta seems like a great workflow to prototype ideas and test them. My first take for this project was to lay down benefits, disadvantages and opportunities there are in the market for this tech.

signup before

2nd Stage: Define

Summary: Inmersive experiences, seamless interactions, trust increase

In order to define the scope of the project, I used the Jobs To Be Done framework and laydown the main features, actions and goals a company like Airbnb could have. Since the goal of the project was exploratory I didn't went to deep into this stage, just enough to have a basic understanding of the app's requirements.

I wanted to take advantages of Spatial Design but introduce it in a way that feels natural to the usual experience of navigating Airbnb. Inmersive tours would take a huge protagonism to encourage bookings.

signup after signup after

3rd Stage: Develop

For this project I'm not trying to replicate Airbnb's app, but instead, touch the surface on new opportunities for engaging experiences that translate into conversion increase, user adoption and customer retention.



This was a great project to get hands dirty on Spatial Design, Prototyping, Vision OS documentation and components, 3D objects and concepts that will pave the way to transition into this new era of UI/UX.


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