Brief story of me

I know the path between dreams and reality well. Born with a natural talent for creativity, I added discipline, study, and perseverance to achieve many goals that at one point seemed like only dreams.

At 15 years old, I composed, produced, recorded, mixed, mastered, and distributed an album entirely on my own from my room. It was called El centro de la Tierra

At 23 years old, I moved to Chile with nothing but a backpack, some clothes, and 300 USD.

At 26 years old, I moved alone to a beautiful apartment and adopted a dog. I happily collaborated as a UX designer at a series B startup.

In 2022, I put together a team of media professionals to produce an independent live music event that we called StgoUnder.

In the first half of 2024, I managed to build, generate hype, and close an app for pet parents and veterinarians called Migu. It was a great introduction to a tech entrepreneurship path that I'll probably keep exploring.

Less is more, only if it comes from reductionism instead of shortage.

Do. More.

Built with 🖤 by me